In the second partita, for example, there is an underlying harmonic progression based on a descending tetrachord that is interwoven in the entire work—and that foreshadows the beloved Ciaccona.
Also, Bach unifies the movements with the importance that he gives to the sixth scale degree, B-flat. Considering only the opening phrases of the movements, the Allemanda moves from the tonic up to B-flat and then leaps down to the following bass note, and again back to B-flat. The Corrente's first moving line begins its descent from B-flat, and the Sarabanda and Ciaccona could both be interpreted as beginning with one of the inner voices moving from A to B-flat and back to A. The Giga, after establishing the key of D minor, begins its harmonic movement by leaping to a high B-flat and then, through a circle of fifths, winds its way back down to the tonic.
Looking at the second partita in those terms, we see thematic connections both in the bass and in the various contrapuntal lines throughout the movements. Indeed, the closing phrase of the Ciaccona is a motivic answer to the opening of the Allemanda; and thus, having experienced all the affekts from elation to profound sorrow, we have come full circle, and Bach brings this monumental and much-loved work to a close.